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Student Support

Our aim is to provide students with a caring environment that helps them in their educational, social and career needs.

The guidance network is an integral part of our school.


Students and parents are welcome to use the school’s counselling services. Parents may contact one of the counsellors if there are home matters which may have a bearing on school performance. Counsellors may contact or visit the home for the welfare of the student.

The counsellors also make referrals to community agencies and maintain a close liaison with Special Education Service, Children and Young Persons Services, Youth Aid, Whanau Support, Whirinaki and other helping agencies.

Guidance Department:

Susan Walter
Guidance Counsellor
P: (09) 237-0117 Extn 231

Paumea McKay
Guidance Counsellor | HOD
P: (09) 237-0117 Extn 243

Kayla Edmonds
Guidance Counsellor
P: (09) 237-0117 Extn 215

Paul Hartland
Guidance Counsellor (Wed-Fri)
P: (09) 237-0117 Extn 101

Health Centre

Along-side guidance we have a Health Centre with Registered Nurse cover from 8.45am-3:10pm Monday-Friday. The Health Centre is a drop in clinic; no appointment is required, though permission to leave class is essential.

A comprehensive range of services is offered:

  • First Aid/Acute illness management.
  • Monitoring and management of chronic illness.
  • Sexual health support, contraception, STI checks and treatment (note: further sexual health clinics are held in the health centre every Friday – bookings for this clinic are made through the school nursing team).
  • Mental health support and referrals.
  • Gender health support and referrals.
  • Strep throat/UTI checks and treatment.
  • Accredited ACC providers.
  • Referrals and liaison with Rainbow Youth, Centre for Youth Health, Whirinaki, Opticians, Audiologists, Dentists, Eating Disorder Specialists, GP’s, Accident and Medical Centres, Oranga Tamariki, Social Workers and other youth focused services.
  • Smoking cessation (Accredited Quit Provider).
  • Nutrition Advice and support.
  • Liaison with pastoral care team.
  • Physiotherapy Clinics. Physio Mechanics holds clinics in the school health centre on Mondays and Thursdays. For all bookings please see the school nurse team.

Health Centre:
Ext 212

Stymie – Anonymous Concern Reporting

Manaakitanga – We help others if they need it.

This year we begin using Stymie to help students report incidents of concerning behaviour in a safe way. Students will receive expert tuition in how to use this tool to show care for their peers and help those in need. An anonymous report can be made using the following link:

BYOD for Learning

With the resurfacing of COVID in our region and changes in
Alert Levels causing students to continue their learning from home, having a
reliable device at home to access online learning, remain connected with
teachers, and receive feedback about their work makes 
BYOD more essential than

Click here for a reminder of our BYOD recommendations.