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Student Leadership


Student Leadership 2024

E tu Kahikatea, hei whakapae uroroa. Awhi mai, awhi atu, taatou, taatou e.

Kahikatea stand together; their roots intertwine, strengthening each other. We all help one another, and together we will be strong.

At Pukekohe High School we offer students multiple opportunities for students to experience leadership and participate and contribute as leaders.  We want to ensure our student leadership roles are meaningful and purposeful; and responsibilities are shared across key roles.

Objectives of Kaiaarahitanga Aakonga (Student Leadership)
  1. To work together as ngaa kaiaarahi aakonga (student leaders), and with the school’s SLT, teachers, and wider student community;
  2. To be present and provide active student leadership across the school;
  3. To act as tuakana, provide positive role models and mentoring for younger students (teina);
  4. To organise and facilitate key school initiatives and events that create a sense of community and wairua in our school; and
  5. To represent Pukekohe High School at key community events.
Kaiaarahitanga Aakonga Roles 2024

The initial application process is to confirm appointments to the following key student leadership roles.

Ngaa Aamokura – Head Students (Year 13 only)

Ngaa Amokura will not be aligned with houses, but selected on their individual merits and strengths.  Additionally, ngaa Amokura will include Amokura Maaori (2), and Amokura Pasifika (2).  Ngaa Amokura will each be expected to lead one of each of the Kaunihera Akonga (Student Councils).

The main role of ngaa Amokura will be to:

  • create a sense of community and wairua across the student body,
  • lead one of the kaunihera aakonga (student councils) including arranging and chairing regular meetings, reporting the outcomes of the meetings to the school, and taking a leadership role in kaunihera aakonga initiatives/ events;
  • fulfil student leadership expectations such as leading student assemblies, organising achievement celebrations, inter-school exchanges and other similar occasions that may arise;
  • assist in the co-ordination of arrangement for other significant events including the senior school ball, Year 13 leavers event and Year 13 leavers apparel;
  • represent Pukekohe High School at wider community events (e.g. ANZAC day celebrations).
Ngaa Kaunihere Aakonga/Ngaa Kaiaarahi Kaunihera – Student Councils/ Council Leaders (previously prefects; Year 12 and Year 13).
  • AKORANGA (Learning)
  • HAAKINAKINA (Sports)
  • HAUORA (Well-being and School Spirit)
  • TOI ME AHUREA (Arts and Culture)

Each kaunihera aakonga (student council) will be led by one of our Amokura/ Head students and each have 4 – 5 x Year 12 and Year 13 Kaiaarahi Kaunihera (Council leaders).  These students will be supported by one kaiako/ teacher.  Each kaunihera aakonga will have regular scheduled planning meetings (approx. 1 per fortnight).

The main role of the role of the Kaunihera Aakonga will be to organise and facilitate 1 significant initiative/ event per year (e.g. Wairua Week, Manaakitanga Week) and 1 lunchtime event/ challenge per year (e.g. House Quiz, sports games).  These initiatives/ events should align with our school values and could coincide with wider community events (e.g. Te Wiki o Te Reo Maaori).  Challenges should encourage house spirit and will be awarded house points.  These initiatives/ events/ challenges must be planned and added to the school calendar at the beginning of the year (during our leadership training opportunity).

Ngaa Kairautoko Tuakana (Peer support leaders):

Current Year 11 and Year 12 aakonga will also have the opportunity to apply for a Kaitautoko Tuakana role.  These aakonga will be responsible for the peer mentoring and induction of new Year 9 aakonga entering our school.  A programme of induction and mentoring will be established, and training will be provided for Kaitautoko Tuakana to be able implement this programme with Year 9 aakonga.  Kaitautoko Tuakana will also be supported (including training) by a teacher in charge.


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BYOD for Learning

With the resurfacing of COVID in our region and changes in
Alert Levels causing students to continue their learning from home, having a
reliable device at home to access online learning, remain connected with
teachers, and receive feedback about their work makes 
BYOD more essential than

Click here for a reminder of our BYOD recommendations.