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International Students – Costs & Fees

The following tuition fees and costs are effective from September 2024.

Fee Schedule NZ$ 1 Year (4 Terms) 6 months (2 Terms) 9-11 weeks (1 Term)
Tuition $17,500 $9,000 $4250
Admin Fee $1,300 $750 $550
Government Levy $1,000 $500 $250
Student Safe Policy $650
Homestay Placement and supervision Fee $300 $300 $300
Contingency $500 $500 $500
Return Airport Transfer $250 $250 $250
Homestay accommodation $360 per week $360 per week $360 per week
NZQA Fees Year 11-13 $383.30
ESOL Support $1,000 $500 $250
School uniform $500 $500 $500
Year 10 School Camp Included Included Included
Personal Stationery $100-$300 depending on art based subjects $100 – $300 depending on art based subjects $100 – $300 depending on art based subjects

Tuition and other fees are payable as listed in the Invoice and Offer of Place and additional charges as by levied by the school from time to time

  • Tuition fees do not include costs for general stationery, materials for practical work, music lessons, textbooks, class trip expenses, school uniform. The tuition fee does include the use of most textbooks and internet for the duration of the course
  • An Offer of Place will be sent to the student/agent which will include an Invoice detailing the fees owing
  • Once the fees are received by Pukekohe High School, a receipt will be issued
  • The student visa can then be applied for and the homestay family will be finalised
  • On renewal of this agreement for a subsequent academic year, the student agrees to pay a minimum of one term’s tuition fee as set out in the fees schedule
  • Where a student wishes to enrol for a period of time that is less than a complete academic year, the Offer of Place will reflect the appropriate costs for the enrolment period

Payment of Fees

The payment details will be displayed on the Invoice and payment may be made by bank transfer or credit card (if in New Zealand).

If a bank transfer is used please:

  • Ensure the student’s name is shown clearly on the bank transmission sheet
  • Advise Pukekohe High School when payment has been made by emailing


News & Events

Pathway Programmes Work Experience
If you are interested in supporting our students and giving them the opportunity to learn more about your industry and develop their skills, please contact:…

Daily Notices

  • Work Experience
    In term 2 and 3 there will be a work experience programmes running for 5 days 1 day a week for 5 weeks. (Dates to be confirmed) The workplace is Mac Donalds', a great place to start your hospitality/supervisor/management career. Please register your interest in the careers room during interval or lunch time. If you are in catering or have done hospitality gateway before you will not be able to do it, however come see us because there may by another opportunity in a different area for you.
  • Search

    BYOD for Learning

    With the resurfacing of COVID in our region and changes in
    Alert Levels causing students to continue their learning from home, having a
    reliable device at home to access online learning, remain connected with
    teachers, and receive feedback about their work makes 
    BYOD more essential than

    Click here for a reminder of our BYOD recommendations.