Donations Scheme
Pukekohe High School has opted into the Ministry of Education’s donations scheme. This supports students’ right to a free education. The donations scheme covers most curriculum costs such as text books and work books. The school is still allowed to charge for some non-curriculum related costs such as a sports tournament. Please click on this link if you would like to read more or email if you have any questions about how the donations scheme works at our school.
News & Events
Kayla Moana shares her amazing Kenyan adventure
Never would I imagine I would be fortunate enough to experience the beautiful country of Kenya. I’ll forever be grateful for such an eye-opening, heartfelt…
Senior Volleyball Champs Success
Well done to our senior volleyball squad who placed 3rd in Division 3 of the Auckland Champs. Great work team!
Pathway Programmes Work Experience
If you are interested in supporting our students and giving them the opportunity to learn more about your industry and develop their skills, please contact:…
Daily Notices
Work Experience
In term 2 and 3 there will be a work experience programmes running for 5 days 1 day a week for 5 weeks. (Dates to be confirmed)
The workplace is Mac Donalds', a great place to start your hospitality/supervisor/management career.
Please register your interest in the careers room during interval or lunch time. If you are in catering or have done hospitality gateway before you will not be able to do it, however come see us because there may by another opportunity in a different area for you.