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Level 3 Social Studies

Level 3

Course Code: 3ZSOC
Who can I talk to: Mrs Lowe, Mrs Karauria, Mrs Grass

Through this course you will be challenged to think critically about social issues, to analyse complex situations and find ways of explaining them. You will learn to recognise your own values and the values of others. In Senior Social Studies you will explore how values affect the ways in which people respond to issues and make use of opportunities. You will investigate how you can contribute to society by taking an effective social action. You will also develop your writing skills and be able to make statements that are well supported by social studies concepts and detailed evidence.

Course Information

What Knowledge Will I Develop?

Throughout this course you will investigate a range of contemporary socials issues that affect different groups in society - there is a high degree of student choice in the topics studied – previous years have explored issues such as racism, gun violence, pro-life vs pro-choice, climate change, cannabis law reform, animal rights and indigenous rights.
The issues explored are designed to question your moral stance and personal values as well as evaluate the views of others. The conducting of research is key to the completion of this course as is your personal participation in a social action linked to policy change.

How Will The Course Contribute To My Qualification?

Code Title Credits Internal External Core Optional L1 Literacy L1 Numeracy UE Reading UE Writing Date
91958 Demonstrate understanding of how ideologies shape society. 4 y y y y y 15-11-2021
91599 Examine personal involvement in a social action(s) that aim to influence policy change(s). 6 y y y 27-08-2021
91600 Examine a campaign of social action(s) to influence policy change(s). 4 y y 09-04-2021
91597 Conduct a critical social inquiry 6 y y y 18-06-2021
Credits: 20
Does this course provide a pathway to University Entrance? Yes

Entry Requirements

12 credits in a Social Science subject, or with HOD approval.

Course Related Costs

No course costs for students.

Companion Subjects

History, English, Legal Studies, Classical Studies, Health

Subject Combination Notes

Not applicable
