Level 3 Music
Level 3
Course Code: 3AMUS
Who can I talk to: Mr Schofield
Your choice of standards will create a pathway forwards as you become an accomplished musician. Choose from a combination of practical solo, group performance and composition along with more advanced theroy, research or arrangement as you focus on the themes that are your strengths whislt working solo, with a group or a mixture.
Course Information
What Knowledge Will I Develop?
You will further enhance your knowledge and skills whilst becoming an experienced performer, composer and musician. All aspects of this course will encourage you to develop your craft towards becoming whatever type of musician you wish to be.
How Will The Course Contribute To My Qualification?
Code | Title | Credits | Internal | External | Core | Optional | L1 Literacy | L1 Numeracy | UE Reading | UE Writing | Date |
91425 | Research a music topic | 6 | y | y | y | 24-09-2021 | |||||
91849 | Compose three original songs that express imaginative thinking | 8 | y | y | 24-09-2021 | ||||||
91424 | Create two arrangements for an ensemble | 4 | y | y | 09-04-2021 | ||||||
91421 | Demonstrate understanding of harmonic and tonal conventions in a range of music scores | 4 | y | y | 30-11-2021 | ||||||
91420 | Integrate aural skills into written representation | 4 | y | y | 29-11-2021 | ||||||
91419 | Communicate musical intention by composing three original pieces of music | 8 | y | y | 24-09-2021 | ||||||
91418 | Demonstrate ensemble skills by performing two substantial pieces of music as a member of a group | 4 | y | y | 18-06-2021 | ||||||
91417 | Perform a programme of music as a featured soloist on a second instrument | 4 | y | y | 24-09-2021 | ||||||
91416 | Perform two programmes of music as a featured soloist | 8 | y | y | 24-09-2021 |
Credits: 16-36
Does this course provide a pathway to University Entrance? Yes
Entry Requirements
Satisfactory achievement from previous level of study or with HOD approval.
Course Related Costs
No course costs for students.
Companion Subjects
Combines well with any other subject selection.
Subject Combination Notes
Not applicable