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Level 3 English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)

Level 3

Course Code: 3EESL
Who can I talk to: Mrs Watt

This ESOL option is designed for English language learners to help them to develop their English language skills for tertiary study and life beyond secondary school.

Course Information

What Knowledge Will I Develop?

Students learn to write a formal letter and speak in a formal interview. English for academic purposes is developed through critical reading and listening activities, and writing for an academic purpose using resource materials. Additional options to support gaining university entrance literacy may be offered if required (English L2 or EAP L4). The course may be personalised to meet individual learning needs and future goals.

How Will The Course Contribute To My Qualification?

Code Title Credits Internal External Core Optional L1 Literacy L1 Numeracy UE Reading UE Writing Date
EL31108 Read and understand a range of written texts independently 5 y y 22-10-2021
ENG91106 Form developed personal responses to independently read texts, supported by evidence 4 y y y y 22-10-2021
ENG91101 Produce a selection of crafted and controlled writing 6 y y y y 24-09-2021
EAP30509 Demonstrate and apply understanding of a short spoken text in English for academic purposes 5 y y 21-05-2021
EAP30508 Write a short, crafted text for a specified audience using resource material in English for an academic purpose 6 y y 24-09-2021
EAP30511 Read and apply understanding in English for academic purposes 6 y y 02-07-2021
EL28069 Write a text for a practical purpose 5 y y 02-04-2021
EL28062 Participate in a formal interview 5 y y 12-03-2021
Credits: 20-25
Does this course provide a pathway to University Entrance? Yes

Entry Requirements

This course is only available for students for whom English is NOT their first language.

Course Related Costs

No course costs for students.

Companion Subjects

Language learning in 3EESL supports learning in all companion subjects.

Subject Combination Notes

Not applicable
