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Level 3 English

Level 3

Course Code: 3EENG
Who can I talk to: Mrs Saxena

You will learn how to recognise, form, and express critical evaluations of texts. This will involve thinking, making meaning, participating and contributing in groups, and self-managing your learning.

Course Information

What Knowledge Will I Develop?

You will learn the skill of critical evaluation. Besides reading the opinions of experts to form your own conclusions, you will also create and present texts independently. The course is designed to scaffold you into a variety of further study and work options.

How Will The Course Contribute To My Qualification?

Code Title Credits Internal External Core Optional L1 Literacy L1 Numeracy UE Reading UE Writing Date
91474 Respond critically to specified aspects of unfamiliar written texts 4 y y y y y 12-11-2021
91472 Respond critically to specified aspects of studies written texts 4 y y y 11-11-2021
91475 Produce a selection of fluent and coherent writing 6 y y y 22-10-2021
91476 Create and deliver a fluent and coherent oral text 3 y y y 01-10-2021
91479 Develop an informed understanding using critical texts 4 y y y 04-06-2021
91480 Respond critially to aspects of a visual text by close viewing 3 y y y 26-03-2021
Credits: 21-24
Does this course provide a pathway to University Entrance? Yes

Entry Requirements

Satisfactory achievement from previous level of study;

Course Related Costs

Voluntary contribution to field trip expenses will be requested.

Companion Subjects

Combines well with any other subject selection.

Subject Combination Notes

Not applicable
