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Level 3 Economics

Level 3

Course Code: 3ZECO
Who can I talk to: Mr Hughes

Economics aims to teach students to understand the core economic concepts . This will be ideal preparation for students who wish to complete an economics degree, star tor run their own business, or wish to work in large government organisations. The course encourages students to discuss ideas collaboratively, and then think about how to apply these concepts to real-life NZ situations and products.

Course Information

What Knowledge Will I Develop?

Students will learn how to assess whether markets for everyday goods and services in NZ are efficient and the effect of government intervention in these markets. They will investigate markets which are not providng the best for NZ producers and consumers. They will suggest possible steps the government could take to improve how those markets operate. They will evaluate the effect on the efficiency and fairness of those markets. They will study how markets respond to prices and how a demand curve is created. Finally, they will investigate and compare perfectly competitive firms to monopolies to see how they decide how much to produce.

How Will The Course Contribute To My Qualification?

Code Title Credits Internal External Core Optional L1 Literacy L1 Numeracy UE Reading UE Writing Date
AS91400 Understand different market structures 4 y y 30-09-2021
AS91401 Understand Microeconomics Concepts 5 y y 31-07-2021
AS91402 Understand Market Failure 5 y y 22-05-2021
AS91399 Understand efficiency of market equilibrium 4 y y y 30-03-2021
Credits: 18
Does this course provide a pathway to University Entrance? Yes

Entry Requirements

All students welcome, although satisfactory achievement from previous level of study is desired; with HOD approval.

Course Related Costs

No course costs for students.

Companion Subjects

Accounting and Legal Studies

Subject Combination Notes

Not applicable
