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Level 3 Drama

Level 3

Course Code: 3ADRA
Who can I talk to: Ms Taylor

Research, analyse and critically evaluate how drama, including NZ drama interprets, records or challenges social and cultural discourse. Rehearse and perform works in a range of dramatic forms, assuming a variety of artistic or technical responsibility.

Course Information

What Knowledge Will I Develop?

Research, analyse and integrate elements, techniques, conventions and technologies in dramatic forms for specific purposes. Critically evaluate and refine ideas to refine ideas to create original drama work.

How Will The Course Contribute To My Qualification?

Code Title Credits Internal External Core Optional L1 Literacy L1 Numeracy UE Reading UE Writing Date
91518 Demonstrate understanding of a live drama performance 4 y y y 10-11-2021
91513 Devise and perform a drama to realise a concept 5 y y 22-09-2021
91515 Select and use complex performance skills associated with a drama form or period 4 y y 16-06-2021
91512 Interpret scripted text to integrate drama techniques in performance 4 y y y 07-04-2021
Credits: 17
Does this course provide a pathway to University Entrance? Yes

Entry Requirements

Satisfactory achievement from previous level of study, with HOD approval and willingness to participate in all performance work.

Course Related Costs

Voluntary contribution to field trip expenses will be requested.

Companion Subjects

Communication courses; other Arts Faculty courses

Subject Combination Notes

Not applicable
