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Level 2 Electronics

Level 2

Course Code: 2SELT
Who can I talk to: Miss Srinivasan

Students will learn to recognise electronic components and their symbols, construct and test circuits and learn techniques such as soldering and construction of printed circuit boards. They will develop critical thinking skills while constructing products based on specific requirements.

Course Information

What Knowledge Will I Develop?

This is an introductory certificate for people interested in electronics and who may wish to pursue further training and employment in this field. Students will gain an understanding of fundamental electrical concepts to explain the behaviour and use of electronic circuits. This includes testing circuits on prototype boards and transferring them on to Vero boards or printed circuit boards. They will learn the application of the above in the real world via a range of practical activities, experiments and demonstrations. After achieving this qualification, trainees may continue with any of the following:
• take up an apprenticeship in electronics and study for national certificates at Levels 3 and 4;
• study for a National Diploma in Engineering.

How Will The Course Contribute To My Qualification?

Code Title Credits Internal External Core Optional L1 Literacy L1 Numeracy UE Reading UE Writing Date
18243 Construct a simple electronic product from a supplied circuit schematic 6 y y 10-08-2021
18242 Construct a simple printed circuit 3 y y 15-06-2021
18241 Demonstrate knowledge of basic electronic systems 5 y y 21-09-2021
18240 Demonstrate knowledge of basic electronic components 5 y y 11-05-2021
18239 Demonstrate introductory knowledge of circuit concepts and measurements for electronics. 5 y y 23-03-2021
Credits: 24
Does this course provide a pathway to University Entrance? No

Entry Requirements

All students welcome; satisfactory achievement from previous level of study required.

Course Related Costs

No course costs for students.

Companion Subjects

Physics, Mathematics

Subject Combination Notes

Not applicable
