Level 2 Building (A)
Level 2
Course Code: 2TBLD
Who can I talk to: Mr Matchett, Mr Cantley
We recommend students interested in a possible career in the construction industry or those looking for skills and knowledge that will be useful in later life take this course.
Course Information
What Knowledge Will I Develop?
Set up to give students interested in the construction industry a focussed, authentic learning environment. Students would be building a two bedroom house (approx. 50 square meters floor area). This is a transportable building. It continues the practical theory skills learned in Year 11.
How Will The Course Contribute To My Qualification?
Code | Title | Credits | Internal | External | Core | Optional | L1 Literacy | L1 Numeracy | UE Reading | UE Writing | Date |
12932 | Construct timber garden furniture as BCATS project | 8 | y | y | 11-04-2021 | ||||||
25319 | Demonstrate knowledge of the carpentry industry within a BCATS environment | 2 | y | y | 07-05-2021 | ||||||
24351 | Demonstrate knowledge of and use fixed machinery in the construction of BCATS projects | 6 | y | y | 04-12-2021 | ||||||
24354 | Demonstrate knowledge of health and safety legislation and apply safe working practices in BCATS environment | 4 | y | y | 14-06-2021 |
Credits: 20
Does this course provide a pathway to University Entrance? No
Entry Requirements
All students welcome, although HOD will check for record of previous workshop safety.
Course Related Costs
Costs of take-home components will be charged.
Companion Subjects
Any Technology, Design or Commerce course.
Subject Combination Notes
Not applicable