Level 1 Te Ara Kee
Level 1
Course Code: 1LTAK
Who can I talk to: Matua Tipene
“By learning and familiarising ourselves with Tikanga Maaori students strengthen their identity and non Maaori journey towards shared cultural understandings”. This happens through an interchange of relationships, participation, contribution of thoughts language, knowledge and symbols.
Course Information
What Knowledge Will I Develop?
"Understanding Tikanga Maaori practices stretches learners cognitively, enabling them to think differently". This happens through the acqusition of karakia, kiiwaha, whakataukii, waiata, tikanga, kawa, maatauranga and puuraakau which increases ones awareness and builds identity in the uniqueness and diversity of tikanga in iwi, hapuu and whaanau environments.
How Will The Course Contribute To My Qualification?
Code | Title | Credits | Internal | External | Core | Optional | L1 Literacy | L1 Numeracy | UE Reading | UE Writing | Date |
US 6137 | Describe Tapu Noa Mana in relation to Maaori interacting in natural world | 3 | y | y | 28-10-2021 | ||||||
US 23008 | Describe carved images objects and their usages | 5 | y | y | 23-09-2021 | ||||||
US 23007 | Demonstrate knowledge of Caring designs and meanings | 5 | y | y | 12-08-2021 | ||||||
US 16160 | Describe Characteristics and Roles of selected Atua Maaori | 3 | y | y | 20-05-2021 | ||||||
US 27105 | Describe and Explain the separation of Ranginui and Papatuuaanuku | 2 | y | y | 08-04-2021 | ||||||
US27106 | Describe the terms associated with Whakapapa and use them in a family structure | 2 | y | y | 25-03-2021 |
Credits: 14-20
Does this course provide a pathway to University Entrance? No
Entry Requirements
All students welcome.
Course Related Costs
Voluntary contribution to field trip expenses will be requested.
Companion Subjects
Toi Whakaari, Te Reo Maaori
Subject Combination Notes
Not applicable