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Level 3 Geography Class Trip

Recently our Level 3 geography class had to opportunity to travel to Rotorua as part of their assessment. The following summary is from our student, Grayson Heath.
Last week my Level 3 geography class and I travelled to Rotorua. The aim of this trip was to investigate and collect data about the impacts of tourism on Rotorua as part of our final internal assessment. Each of the four groups had different research aims. Some looked at the impacts on Maaori culture, whereas others looked at the economic impacts. My group’s focus was on the environmental impacts.
We went to a variety of popular attractions including the luge, Velocity Valley, Te Puia, Polynesian Spa, the Agrodome and Mitai Maaori village. These attractions plus Rotorua’s geothermal activity including mud pools and geysers make it one of the most popular places for tourists, especially international tourists, to visit in New Zealand. Whilst enjoying these attractions as tourists we were talking to employees and other tourists, counting people, looking at the amount of rubbish and obtaining as much information and data to help us with our assessment. Many thanks to Mr Silk and Mrs Myburgh for making this amazing trip possible.

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