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Introducing our new Deputy Principal, Donna Tupaea-Petero

Ko Taupiri me Matawhaura oku maunga Ko Tainui me Te Arawa oku waka Ko Waikato te awa, Ko Rotoiti-i-kitea a Ihenga te moana Ko Waikato me Ngāti Pikiao oku iwi He uri ahau no Ngāti Tipa, Ngāti Kawiti ratou ko Ngāti Tamateatutahi Ko Te Kotahitanga, Ko Nga Tai e Rua, Ko Tapuaeharuru oku marae Ko Pōtatau Te Wherowhero raua ko Pikiaorangi oku Rangatira Ko Donna Tupaea-Petero toku ingoa.

I am very excited about returning to work in my own rohe, and joining the staff, students, whanau and wider community of Pukekohe High School. I have spent the last 25 years as an art educator, education facilitator and school leader and am looking forward to the new opportunities in this role. My research interests include Matauranga Maaori and equitable education for all – mahi that I am really looking forward to sharing. When I have spare time, I love getting into my Maara Kai or dabbling in my own art practice. Kia Ora tatou.

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