Level 1 Hospitality and Catering
Level 1
Course Code: 1TCAT
Who can I talk to: Mrs Jacobs
We recommend this course for students who wish to follow a career in the Hospitality and Catering area. Catering is all about preparing food safely and hygienically for commercial purposes. This could be for a broad range contexts from being a barista to a pastry chef.
Course Information
What Knowledge Will I Develop?
You will gain and develop your knowlege in cooking skills, experimenting with various ingredients and the presentation of meals. Students will develop their creativity and experience a sense of accomplishment through extensive practical application.
How Will The Course Contribute To My Qualification?
Code | Title | Credits | Internal | External | Core | Optional | L1 Literacy | L1 Numeracy | UE Reading | UE Writing | Date |
US15921 | Prepare and cook a cake, a sponge and a batch of scones in the hospitality industry | 3 | y | y | 25-10-2021 | ||||||
US19770 | Prepare and present eggs and cheese in the hospitality industry | 3 | y | y | 13-09-2021 | ||||||
US15892 | Demonstrate knowledge of terminology used for food and recipes in commercial cookery | 5 | y | y | 05-07-2021 | ||||||
US15901 | Prepare and present fruit and vegetables in the hospitality industry | 3 | y | y | 31-05-2021 | ||||||
US15900 | Prepare and present meat in the hospitality industry | 4 | y | y | 12-04-2021 | ||||||
US167 | Practise food safety methods in a food business under supervision | 4 | y | y | 22-03-2021 |
Credits: 22
Does this course provide a pathway to University Entrance? No
Entry Requirements
All students welcome; with HOD approval.
Course Related Costs
No course costs for students.
Companion Subjects
Food and Nutrition
Subject Combination Notes
Not applicable