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Senior Leadership Team

Principal: Murray Saunders
Deputy Principal: Suzanne Powar
Deputy Principal: Hester Myburgh
Deputy Principal: David Faitala
Deputy Principal: Martin Bennett
Deputy Principal: Sofia Kaur
Deputy Principal: Kirsty Couper
Business Manager: Denis Murphy

Murray Saunders

Ko Ingarangi te waahi whakapaparanga ai au
Noo Tamaki Makaurau au
Kei Waiau Pa te kainga
Ko Murray Saunders tooku ingoa

Having been born and raised in Auckland, my family and I moved into the Franklin area in 2022.  I began as a Deputy Principal at Pukekohe High School in July 2023. Prior to this I was a Deputy Principal at Onehunga High School and Whaanau House leader at Macleans College.

I have a strong belief in the power of schools and education to influence and guide students as they pathway into their adult life.  This applies to academic achievement as well as the social, cultural, artistic and sporting opportunities that schools provide.

I am excited about what Pukekohe High School offers in these areas and am determined as Tumuaki to help lead and progress these in the years ahead.

Suzanne Powar

I began my teaching career in 2005 at Pukekohe High School as a teacher of health, physical education and social science, having also taught overseas in the UK and in South Korea.  I have held a variety of leadership positions with the health and physical education faculty and recently as the Specialist Classroom Teacher to support new and experienced teachers to develop their classroom practise. Outside of the classroom I have been involved in coaching and managing girls cricket and football, working with the Community Council in fundraising activities for CanTeen and in leading year 10 camps.

I have a particular interest in leading change related to pedagogy (the ‘how’ we teach) and in student wellbeing. I believe strongly in the potential of all students and view it as our responsibility to the community to support and guide our students  to become confident, connected, lifelong learners who are active participants in their community.

Ko te piko o te maahuri, teeraa te tupu o te raakau

The way the sapling is shaped, determines how the tree grows.

Hester Myburgh

Teena koutou
Ko Drakensberg te maunga
Ko Limpopo te awa
Ko South Africa te ahau
Ko Hester Myburgh toku ingoa

Born and raised in South Africa and a staunch supporter of the Springboks, Pukekohe is where my home is.  It is a privilege to share in the diversity of our town.

I am delighted to be part of an experienced leadership team and work at Pukekohe High School.  It is important to support the growth, learning, and development of our aakonga.  It takes a village to raise a child. Working collaboratively with our community we can raise expectations for our aakonga and develop them as well-rounded, balanced individuals, making a difference wherever they go.

I am a firm believer in teamwork and building relationships. For the moment we journey together for a brighter future.

Martin Bennett
Ko Ben Nevis Te Maunga
Ko Loch Dunvegan Te Awa
Ko Westmeath Te Waka
Ko Celt Te Iwi
Ko McLeod Te Hapuu
Ko Georgina Tooku Hoa Rangatira
Toko Rua Aku Tamariki
Ko Ethan Taaku Tama
Ko Kaela Taaku Tamahine
Ko Martin Bennett Tooku Ingoa

As part of the schools Alumni and as a long serving staff member I am excited to join the leadership team. I hope to use my experience with curriculum development and transition to help to develop and strengthen the ties within our kura and local community.

My teaching experience as a leader has been developed through a variety of schools and roles over the last 25 years. These include but are not limited to, being a moderator, marker, and resource developer for NZQA and the Ministry of Education. In schools as a dean, and in my curriculum area (visual art/design) previously as a head of department and head of arts faculty. Most recently I have had roles as an across school pedagogical leader for the Pukekohe Kaahui Ako and principal’s nominee to NZQA.

While I have worked on many projects based specifically around education, I have also been actively involved in other leadership roles in my community for many years as a coach at school and at the local football club as well as refereeing at a high level for Auckland football. I jointly created a documentary for the Franklin historical society, I have produced exhibitions (and exhibited) at the FACT gallery, produced murals, and worked on the Franklin children’s art festival.

I relish the opportunity to help develop a wide-ranging collaborative curriculum which is vital in preparing aakonga for an uncertain future, and, for equity and excellence to be achieved by all. I wish to support the team to build outstanding aakonga capable of excelling in all fields on a national and global stage.

Sofia Kaur
Teena koutou katoa, mālō le sofiua, mālō e lelei, fakaalofa lahi atu, kia orana, ni sa bula vinaka, ਸਤਿ ਸ਼੍ਰੀ ਅਕਾਲ and warm greetings! Education changes lives; what a privilege it is to be joining Pukekohe High School and sharing in this pursuit with our community. I am a 1.5-generation immigrant born in Panjab and raised in and by South Auckland, and still call the south of Taamaki Makaurau home. I believe schools are incredible places of community, learning, and hope and that educators have the immense honour of serving rangatahi in ways that allow all young people to grow wholly into the best versions of themselves. Poipoia te kaakano kia puaawai – nurture the seed and it will blossom. I look forward to connecting with you and working together to see our aakonga and school community grow.

Kirsty Couper

He kaakano paakehaa teenei i ruia mai i ngaa whenua o Ingarangi, o Kootirana, o Tiamani, o Aerana, puta mai ai i te taumaru o Maungakiekie.
Ko Skiold te waka tuatahi o ngaa waru.
Ko Waitaki te awa i whangai ai te taha taane; ko Thames te awa i te taha koopuu.
Ko te Tiriti o Waitangi te korowai manaaki, ko te Haahi Iriiri te whakaruruhau.
Ko Kirsty Couper tooku ingoa.
E ngaa maataa waka o te ao, teenaa koutou katoa.

As a Pukekohe local with eighteen years of teaching experience in the Franklin rohe, I am excited to begin my Senior Leadership journey here at Pukekohe High School. I come from Waiuku College where I have been a member of both the Science and Te Hononga ki te Ao Maaori faculties. I have been privileged to serve in a number of leadership roles, including as Specialist Classroom Teacher and as an Across School Leader of the Waiuku Kaahui Ako (Community of Learning).

I am deeply committed to fostering reciprocal relationships of trust and respect which enhance teaching, learning and wellbeing for all. As Tangata Tiriti, I have a particular passion for walking with aakonga, whanau and kaiako Maaori as they seek to realise their educational aspirations within a kura auraki context.

David Faitala

He matagi tu faka, nofonofo.
Ti tonu ho lau kafika ē.
Tau tui mo e tau alagavaka ne
Tafilu hake ki Liualagi.
Ke fua he to fa.
He matagi tu fakahake motu,
Ke fua he to fa.

Fakalofa lahi atu, my name is David Faitala. I am a descendant from the pacific islands of Niue, Samoa and from Papua New Guinea. I am married to Natalie Faitala, and we have three children, Xavier, Samsara and D’Artagnan.

My teaching philosophy centres on providing care and guidance to my students, treating them with the same dedication as I would my own children. I consider it an honour to be part of the educational journeys of those I encounter in schools. I have been fortunate to teach in diverse settings, from the picturesque shores of Rarotonga to the vibrant communities of South Auckland. My teaching career has included roles at Arorangi School, Tereora College, De La Salle, Southern Cross Campus, Wesley College, Dilworth Senior Campus, and currently, Pukekohe High School.

My personal focus is to use my experience to address challenges and to encourage the students of Pukekohe High School to live our values of Kotahitanga, Manaakitanga, Puumautanga, and Araahitanga.


Denis Murphy

I’ve been on the team at Pukekohe High School for 4 years after holding a similar role at James Cook High School, Manurewa. Prior to that I spent around 30 years in the Disability/Mental Health sector in various accounting and management roles firstly for IDEA Services (Previously NZ Society for the Intellectually Handicapped Inc or IHC as it was known) and then for The Goodwood Park Healthcare Group.

My family and I have lived in the Pukekohe area since 1991 and our children were all educated at Pukekohe High. I coached football at the Pukekohe AFC and was the club’s Treasurer for a while. I am also Chairman of the St Joseph’s Pukekohe Primary School BOT.

It is a real pleasure to be part of the team here at Pukekohe High School. I see my role here as basically a support person for the BOT, Senior Leadership Team and Staff, ensuring that the school’s finances are managed efficiently and that its property resources are in good order and fit for purpose. Pukekohe High School celebrated its centenary in 2021 so it has a long and proud history and I believe the next 100 years are going to be even better.


News & Events

Well done to Jing Yang (14-year-old boys) who claimed 1st place in the 50m freestyle, along with 2nd place finishes in the 100m freestyle and…
Lunch Around the World
It was a wonderful experience, bringing everyone together through food and conversation, celebrating diversity and cultural exchange in the most delicious way!  

BYOD for Learning

With the resurfacing of COVID in our region and changes in
Alert Levels causing students to continue their learning from home, having a
reliable device at home to access online learning, remain connected with
teachers, and receive feedback about their work makes 
BYOD more essential than

Click here for a reminder of our BYOD recommendations.